Forest fires: an environmental emergency of human origin

On behalf of Scientific Federation we are delighted to welcome you all to the International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science which is to be held during August 13-14, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Through our theme 'Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate'. Earth & Geo Science- 2018 is the platform to gain or share the knowledge in the new and advanced technological developments in the field of Earth Science & Geo Science. This conference brings together professors, researchers, scientists and practitioners in all the areas of Petroleum Engineering, oil and gas engineering services which provides an international forum for the spreading of approved research results, new ideas and practical developments. We are honored to invite you all to attend and register for the “International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science (Earth & Geo Science- 2018)”.

Earth & Geo Science-2018 offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and make new contacts in the field of Geology, Geochemistry by providing collaboration spaces and break-out rooms with tea and lunch for delegates between sessions with invaluable networking time for you. It allows delegates to have issues addressed on Geosciences control by recognized global experts who are up to date with the latest developments in the Earth Science field and provide information on new techniques and technologies. This International Earth Science & Geo Science conference will feature renowned keynote speakers, plenary speeches, young research forum, poster presentations, technical workshops and career guidance sessions. You can choose any topic including these sessions and also you can choose any topic related to Earth & Geo Science.

Earth & Geo Science-2018 offers a fantastic opportunity to meet and make new contacts in the field of Geology, Geochemistry by providing collaboration spaces and break-out rooms with tea and lunch for delegates between sessions with invaluable networking time for you. It allows delegates to have issues addressed on Geosciences control by recognized global experts who are up to date with the latest developments in the Earth Science field and provide information on new techniques and technologies. This International Earth Science & Geo Science conference will feature renowned keynote speakers, plenary speeches, young research forum, poster presentations, technical workshops and career guidance sessions. You can choose any topic including these sessions and also you can choose any topic related to Earth & Geo Science.

Jaime Senabre (1966). Psychologist with a multidisciplinary academic background. Environmental Consultant and Technical in Emergencies and Civil Protection. He has several Masters in Mediation and Resolution in Social Conflicts, Social Intervention in Disadvantaged Areas, Intercultural Mediation and Social Education. Expert in Psychological Intervention in Emergencies and Disasters, as well as in Human Resources Management. He has lectured at national and international congresses and made numerous publications related to stress, emotional trauma, risk perception, forest fires and climate change. In Spain, he is the Director and President of the Scientific Committee of the National Symposium on Forest Fire - SINIF. He has been part of the Organizing Committee of some international scientific meetings related to the Sciences of the Earth and the Change.. Being a Keynote Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Jaime Senabre is going to talk on ‘Forest fires: an environmental emergency of human origin.’ A brief summary is presented here.
One of the reasons why an individual, a community and a society do not act in a preventive way when faced with the probability of a risk is because of the perception of the probability of occurrence of that risk and the proximity of its consequences. Forest fires are presented as an environmental problem in which many factors influence and can compromise the socio-economic development of future generations. In Spain they have burned almost 2 million hectares in what we have of century. The year 2017 is considered the most tragic in history in Portugal, where more than 500,000 hectares have been burned and the lives of more than 100 people have been tragically lost. The current forest fire regime is likely to change due to its relation to the climate. The rainfall regime is also changing, with a decrease in water availability and an increase in periods of drought, heat waves and pests, especially in the Mediterranean countries. The scientific community starts talking about sixth-generation forest fires, linked to the effects of climate change on a continental scale. However, from a causal and social view of the problem, omitting the role of "human" (anthropogenic variables) in the probability of occurrence of forest fires would be to pose the problem in a partial way and would be exaggerating the protagonism granted to another type of factors of more difficult control. If we analyze the 16 most devastating forest fires in Spain in this century, we found that 87.50% had their origin in the human factor (50% intentional) and the other 12.50% were caused by lightning. Climate change is part of a natural process of a living planet, although human pressure is perhaps altering and accelerating it. It is possible to take action and start working on a change of thought and attitude of the human being, restoring old customs, adapting them to the new times and thinking about the next generations.

Hurry up Speakers..!!
Get registered for our prestigious conference.
Looking forward to see you all at Earth & Geo Science-2018 in Netherlands.


Scientific Federation is pleased to announce our worthwhile conference on Earth Science and Geo Science on August 13-14, 2018 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. Through our theme 'Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate' the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science. The conference is one of our yearly activities which have a goal of providing a setting for professionals in the respective field and our clients to learn about latest issues about Earth. The conference will have important Earth and Geo experts around the world who will share the knowledge to the participants. 

The main objective of the conference is to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researchers, graduate students from the field of Geosciences, geology, Meteorology, Volcanology, Atmospheric Science, Global Warming, Environmental Sciences, Remote Sensing and others whose interest is to promote earth science education at the school, college and university levels, and among the general public. You can choose any topic including these sessions and also you can choose any topic related to Earth & Geo Science.

The greatest benefit of attending our conference is to build your network and increase your awareness of new trends happening in the area of Earth & Geo Sciences. This is the way to be invited to join collective research work by Earth Scientists.  Attendees will learn from evidence-based research and discover innovations they can start using immediately. Join your peers at conference for focusing on quality outcomes. Send your abstract and confirm your slot for presenting your research thoughts.

Professor Govind Singh Bhardwaj, retired from senior most faculty In-Charge Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory and Nodal officer GIS, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology India; 35 years teaching and research experience and continuing the high impact research work. Graduated in 1979, Post Graduate M.Sc Geology in 1981, Post PG M.Sc Technology Applied Geology 1983 and PhD. Several awards and appreciations are due recognition to his work, appreciation from Urban Improvement Trust Udaipur, District Level Best Teachers Award 2007; The Mining Geological and Metallurgical Society of India’s Smt Bala Tondon National Award (2011), Outstanding Service Award (2013), “The Teacher’s Excellence National Award 2015”, by the Confederation of Education Excellence, Delhi and supported by Ministry of Ayush, Government of India. Worthwhile to mention Turkey, Bangladesh, China, Japan countries foreign visits for international assignments of Organizing Committee Member, Technical Session Chairman, Invited Speaker, Keynote Speech Speaker, Research Paper presenter etc. Being a Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Govind Singh Bhardwaj is going to talk on ‘GLOBAL EARLY WARNING ARCHITECTURE: FOR NATURAL HAZARDS.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruption, cyclone, heavy snow fall, heavy rain fall, storm, tsunami, flood, draught, forest fires and others type of natural hazards we have been facing since a long time the earth took birth. In this paper global early warning architecture and its developmental aspect has been find out using variety of software, and numerical analysis. These papers deals about the earth’s internal disturbances are linked direct and it is a phenomenon of energy plumes arises due to transformations of material in space and time. There are hopes for the early warnings development to safe guard the society and living world. Issue has been discussed at length for brain storming session for the benefit world. Spiritually, emotionally and mentally in order to be able to cope with the exhausting demands of couples undergoing fertility treatment.

Hurry up Speakers..!!
Get registered for our prestigious conference.
Looking forward to see you all at Earth & Geo Science-2018 in Netherlands.

Importance of Petrology


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Petrology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Dr. Mokhles K. Azer who is Professor of Geological Sciences Department, National Research Centre, Egypt and who specializes in igneous and metamorphic petrology and regional tectonics, with a particular research focus on the petrogenesis and geochemistry of juvenile crust of the Arabian-Nubian Shield exposed in Eastern Desert and Sinai. His scholarly accomplishments have received several honors and awarded many prizes due to his outstanding contributions to the geology of Egypt. Dr. Mokhles K. Azer was published 76 works (papers and abstracts). The papers are published in the most prestigious scientific journals in the field of Geology with High Impact factor.  Being a Featured Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Mokhles K. Azer is going to talk on ‘The Homrit-Waggat granitoids of the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the transition from subduction-related to post-collisional magmatism in the north Arabian-Nubian Shield.’ A brief summary is presented here.

We report field and geochemical observations of the granitoids of the Homrit Waggat area in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. We recognize two magmatic phases in the study area. The early phase of weakly deformed subduction-related calc-alkaline rocks includes tonalite and granodiorite. We label the later phase the Homrit Waggat Pluton (HWP); it includes undeformed biotite granite, alkali feldspar granite, and minor albitized granite. The tonalite and granodiorite have lower alkalis, REE, Nb, Zr and Hf with Ta-Nb troughs than the granites of the HWP. The geochemical characteristics of both phases reflect a range of magma sources that evolved through fractional crystallization and crustal contamination. The early magmatic pulse is a subduction-related suite generated by underplating of mantle-derived magmas that triggered partial melting of mafic lower crust; mixing of these melts led to intermediate magma that further fractionated to tonalite and granodiorite. The original textures of the albitized granites are preserved, but their bulk composition was modified by the production of Na-rich minerals and the removal of K, REE, and some trace elements by fluids.

Dr. Reza Zarei Sahamieh Who is a professor of Petrology and scientific member at department of geology, Lorestan University, Khorram Abad, Iran. He also had been appointed as Head of Geology Department of Lorestan University six years (2011-2017). His research interested area is Petrology and Geochemistry on witch eight Ph.D researches is carrying out. Dr. Reza Zarei Sahamieh was published 35 technical papers in national and international journals and more than 80 technical papers in national and international symposiums. He has got many national awards from different professional societies and organizations. Being a Featured Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Reza Zarei Sahamieh is going to talk on ‘Petrology and Geochemistry of Kermanshah OphioliteComplex the Remnant of Southern Neo-Tethys Ocean(Western of Iran).’ A brief summary is presented here.

The Kermanshah (Harsin) ophiolite as remnant of the Mesozoic southern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and as well as precursous remnants of the Peri-Arabic ophiolite system obducted on to Arabian shield (Gondwana). Petrographic evidences indicate that this ophiolitic sequence consists of both mantle and crustal rock units. The complex consists of harzburgitic, lherzoliticperidotites, isotropic and myloniticgabbros, dyke complex, basaltic pillow lavas and small outcrop of plagiogranite. Geochemical studies indicate that  Harsin mafic rocks(SE Kermanshah)  bears charactristics of island arc environment while the mafic and ultramafic rocks of Sahneh region(NE Kermanshah) displaying P-type MORB nature. Occurrences of basalts with different composition in this region can be interpreted as the result of an interaction between MORB-type and OIA-type asthenosphere. Field relationships and geochemical evidences reveal that the Harsinophiolites were a part of a rifted basin at the ocean-continent transition zone formed in the south of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. Geological evidences imply the subducting of Southern Neo-TethyanOcean in an island arc geotectonic system during the Late Cretaceous culminated in closure of Southern Neo-Tethyan basin as well as formation of arc and back arc basin in the region and associated lithounits in Kermanshah ophiolite. This would also explain both the contemporaneous occurrence of MORB-type and OIB-type magmatism, as well as the lack of a magmatic evolution from depleted to enriched rocks.

Importance of Geomorphology


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geomorphology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Dr. Numair Siddiqui who is Lecturer of the Geosciences Dept. of Petroleum Geosciences, and University Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His research and industrial experience in Siliciclastic rock, SE Asia Onshore Fields, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling and Oil and Gas Upstream. Dr. Numair Siddiqui main area of interest is siliciclastic shallow-marine deposits, reservoir modeling and characterization with its analogue to subsurface modeling.  Being an Featured Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Numair Siddiqui is going to talk on ‘TOPOGRAOHI INDUCEED FLOODING: A CASE STUDY OF SABAH, BORNEO  .’ A brief summary is presented here.

Conventionally, flooding is attributed to heavy rainfall and consequent breaching of river banks. In Sabah, in Tenom, Keningau and Tambunan, the mean annual precipitation rates are considerably low and can be compared to some European countries having low rainfall tares e.g. France. Despite low rainfall, in this region, flooding has resulted in loss of property and many lives. Through the analysis, it is demonstrated that deluge in this region is driven by geological and climate controls. From this research work, it is infer that the ridge lines of mountain surrounding Tenom, Keningau and Tambunan are migrating landwards due to tectonics and climate forcing leading to a formation of a blocked basin that cannot drain the water out of the system due to the resultant topography.  The ongoing crustal uplift and rainfall gradient induced by the existing topography, prompted a wet rainy flank on one side of the mountain ranges, called orthographic precipitation, while the other side remains protected from rainfall forcing the mountain ridge line to migrate .This phenomenon is demonstrated through our analysis, which leads to rapid erosion and removal of crustal material from the wet side resulting in a gentle and shallow slop and steepening of hill slope on the dry side, leading to landslides and consequent flooding. 

Dr. Shahram roostaei. Who is a professor of Geomorphology and scientific member at department of Geomorphology, University of Tabriz, Iran. He is also had been appointed as Head of Geomorphology Department of University of Tabriz 4 years (2009-2013) and Dean of Faculty 4 years(2013-2017).Dr.Shahram roostaei was published 65 technical papers in national and international journals and more than 50 technical papers in national and international symposiums. Being a Featured Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Shahram roostaei is going to talk on ‘Geomorphic consequence of The Giant Saymarreh Landslide and Lake in Zagros Mountains, Iran.’ A brief summary is presented here.

The Saymarreh landslide is one of the largest known landslides in the world where is located in the southwest of Iran. In this paper, it is investigated characteristics and geomorphologic influences of this landslide comparing to the largest landslides of the world. To achieve this goal, ETM2002 satellite images, IRS of PAN and LISS III satellites satellite images (Of 2004 and 2006), topographic maps, geological mapsand SRTM DEM data as well as ArcGIS software were employed. The research method is empirical and based on analysis of field data. In this regard, the process of the landslide formation causes and morphometric characteristics of the landslide in three classes of slide area, mass movement and displacement parameters along with deposited materials in the Saymarreh Dam lakes have been studied. Among these factors, undercutting of the Asmari limestone layers made by the Saymarreh and Kashkan Rivers, particularly in front of the landslide, is the most important cause (reason) of the landslide occurrence. As a result, the reoccurrence of the Saymarreh landslide in several times had led to obstruction of the Saymarreh River. Stratigraphy studies on the lake sediments, and the age of its terraces implies clearly renewal of the lake in at least 4 stages. The sequences of the lake terraces and other evidences confirm different scales of reoccurrence of the large Saymarreh landslide. Also, comparing the volume of the Saymarreh landslide (exceeding 40Gm3) with those of other large landslides, which have occurred up to now (not underneath the oceans), verifies that the landslide is indeed the largest landslide in the world.

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Importance of Geosciences


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geosciences is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain who is faculty member of the Engineering Geology, Geotechnics & Geohazards Group., Dept. of Geological Sciences, and Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. His research interests include engineering geology, geotechnics and landslide and liquefaction hazards. Dr. Shakhawat was the Ex. Chairperson of the Department. He was also involved with the Geotechnical Engineering consultancy in “Fugro Geotechnics Ltd” and World Bank funded projects.  Dr. Hossain worked with Scientists and Engineers from United Kingdom, Japan, China, Russia, Germany and U.S.A.  Being an invited Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain is going to talk on ‘Current Issues Facing Our Planet, Problems and Solutions with Geosciences.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Planet problems are changing under the current change of climate and the world now faces challenges in Earth systems where earth problems meet societal & environmental issues. Sustainable Development is increasingly about managing complexity and is increasingly issues or process driven, not technique driven. In this context, we must organize ourselves to meet the new challenges of the earth. Quality of Life; modern comfortable living in the society, fulfilling the basic needs of the society, health; safety; transport; urban development, energy and water Issues, hazards, risks & disasters can be managed by using Geosciences,  which are current key issues & important for sustainable development. In this context Geosciences can play a vital role to solve the real world problems of the earth. The skills of Geoscientists are applied throughout the world from site investigation, exploration and management of resources, constructions of engineering structures, waste management, urban development and geo-hazard mitigation. Geoscientists use knowledge of Earth's processes to protect lives, shelter, transportation and utility systems. System approach & issues need to be incorporated in the Geosciences curriculum & in practice to solve the real world problems of the earth. Sustainable development is now absolutely central to Geosciences discipline and we must organize ourselves accordingly to meet the new challenges of the 21st century. Geosciences can give sustainable solutions to these issues driven earth problems for the security of mankind in this planet. Therefore, recent advances in geosciences can help to establish a clean & green society for all.

Dr. Marika Tatishvili. Who is a Head of Weather forecasting, natural and technogenic disaster modeling division of the Institute of Hydrometeorology of Georgian Technical University. She is the member of Scientific and Editorial Board of Institute of Hydrometeorology and Institute of Geophysics. Also she is the Scientific Committee Member of the International Scientific Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2014, 15, 16, 17). Being an invited Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Marika Tatishvili is going to talk on ‘Developing weather forecasting modeling in Georgia.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Earth Observation System (EOS) program is designed to examine the role of Earth-Sun connection in wide-scale global processes in order to determine the function of the Earth as a single system. One of global climate change reason is caused due to emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because of these dramatic climate changes of the last 100 years many scientists believe that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have contributed to global warming. The real drivers of climate are the Sun’s insulation (light and heat), its magnetic flux, and the relative position and orientation of the Earth to the Sun.

Emergence of Modern Geography


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geography is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Geography is a field of social science, which concentrates on the phenomenon of the earth, the land, the temperature, the features, the inhabitants and so on. Simply, Geography aims to understand the nature of earth including human and natural things. It is one of the most important studies of all time as it helps bridge any barrier between the human and the physical science an interesting natural science clearly focuses on the studies of non living systems. Today, Geography has been named as “The world discipline” because of the fact that, it enables us to comprehend the methodical way of the earth and its components.

Many geographers today teach and research about concepts that are relevant to everyday life. This geographic knowledge enables us to understand the things we do on a daily or other episodic basis, and how everyday actions affect the world around us (e.g. auto pollution contributing to global warming). This emphasis puts everyday activities in a larger context - notably a spatial one - and by so doing aims to increase our awareness of our personal lives and activities and their sociology-spatial contexts at scales ranging from neighborhood to global.

The Importance of Geography has everything to do with your everyday life is seeks to understand the ways in which humans influence their environment and in turn explore the influence the environment has on humans. Surprising to many, its manifestation is seen in the following common every day instances: Global Positioning System (GPS), Maps, Google Earth, and Weather & Climate etc.

The Latest news of Geography is Life on the edge prepares plants for climate change. In the first study to predict whether different populations of the same plant species can adapt to climate change, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology find that central European ones die first. The researchers planted mustard cress seeds collected from over two hundred locations as diverse as North Africa, Spain, central Europe and northern Sweden. After they had germinated under optimal conditions, the plants were challenged with severe drought, and their ability to survive this stress was recorded. Using large-scale genome sequencing information, specific genetic variants could be linked to the plants' ability to survive longer. Combined with climate predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the teams were then able to generate maps showing the location of genetic variants key to the species' future survival.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.

Environmental impact of Economic Geology

Economic Geology

Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Economic Geology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Economic Geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and/or industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic minerals, construction grade stone, petroleum minerals, coal and water. Economic geology is studied and practiced by geologists. Economic geology may be of interest to other professions such as engineers, environmental scientists, and conservationists because of the far reaching impact that attractive industries have on society, the economy, and the environment.

The concept of Economic Geology is a relatively new one, even though humans have been extracting metals and minerals of value from the ground since prehistoric times. For all their ability to appreciate the worth of such resources, however, premodern people possessed little in the way of scientific theories regarding either their formation or the means of extracting them.

A few decades ago most geologists were engaged in the exploration and development of mineral resources. However, economic geology and the application of geology to problems of the urban environment are slowly demanding the services of an increasing number of geologists. Today a sufficient number of economic geologists are interested in environmental problems. They subscribe to the thought that “mineral resources will always be needed”, but “environmental issues are a major factor in mining feasibility”. There is now a greater interest in the environment than ever before and we face concerns about the environmental impacts of almost every aspect of our daily lives. Water, soil, air and the biological environment can all be changed dramatically by the activities of industrial societies like our own, not least through mechanisms which are controlled by essentially geological processes.

The latest news of Economic Geology is North Texas earthquakes occurring on 'dead' faults, seismology research shows. Recent earthquakes in Texas' Fort Worth Basin - in the community of Venus and the Dallas suburb of Irving - occurred on faults not active for at least 300 million years, according to research. The research supports the assertion that recent North Texas earthquakes were induced, rather than natural. The conclusion is entirely independent of previous analyses correlating seismic to the timing of wastewater injection practices, but corroborates those earlier findings.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.

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