Environmental impact of Economic Geology

Economic Geology

Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Economic Geology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Economic Geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and/or industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic minerals, construction grade stone, petroleum minerals, coal and water. Economic geology is studied and practiced by geologists. Economic geology may be of interest to other professions such as engineers, environmental scientists, and conservationists because of the far reaching impact that attractive industries have on society, the economy, and the environment.

The concept of Economic Geology is a relatively new one, even though humans have been extracting metals and minerals of value from the ground since prehistoric times. For all their ability to appreciate the worth of such resources, however, premodern people possessed little in the way of scientific theories regarding either their formation or the means of extracting them.

A few decades ago most geologists were engaged in the exploration and development of mineral resources. However, economic geology and the application of geology to problems of the urban environment are slowly demanding the services of an increasing number of geologists. Today a sufficient number of economic geologists are interested in environmental problems. They subscribe to the thought that “mineral resources will always be needed”, but “environmental issues are a major factor in mining feasibility”. There is now a greater interest in the environment than ever before and we face concerns about the environmental impacts of almost every aspect of our daily lives. Water, soil, air and the biological environment can all be changed dramatically by the activities of industrial societies like our own, not least through mechanisms which are controlled by essentially geological processes.

The latest news of Economic Geology is North Texas earthquakes occurring on 'dead' faults, seismology research shows. Recent earthquakes in Texas' Fort Worth Basin - in the community of Venus and the Dallas suburb of Irving - occurred on faults not active for at least 300 million years, according to research. The research supports the assertion that recent North Texas earthquakes were induced, rather than natural. The conclusion is entirely independent of previous analyses correlating seismic to the timing of wastewater injection practices, but corroborates those earlier findings.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.

                               URL - http://scientificfederation.com/earth-science-2018/index.php