Importance of Geosciences


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geosciences is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain who is faculty member of the Engineering Geology, Geotechnics & Geohazards Group., Dept. of Geological Sciences, and Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. His research interests include engineering geology, geotechnics and landslide and liquefaction hazards. Dr. Shakhawat was the Ex. Chairperson of the Department. He was also involved with the Geotechnical Engineering consultancy in “Fugro Geotechnics Ltd” and World Bank funded projects.  Dr. Hossain worked with Scientists and Engineers from United Kingdom, Japan, China, Russia, Germany and U.S.A.  Being an invited Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain is going to talk on ‘Current Issues Facing Our Planet, Problems and Solutions with Geosciences.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Planet problems are changing under the current change of climate and the world now faces challenges in Earth systems where earth problems meet societal & environmental issues. Sustainable Development is increasingly about managing complexity and is increasingly issues or process driven, not technique driven. In this context, we must organize ourselves to meet the new challenges of the earth. Quality of Life; modern comfortable living in the society, fulfilling the basic needs of the society, health; safety; transport; urban development, energy and water Issues, hazards, risks & disasters can be managed by using Geosciences,  which are current key issues & important for sustainable development. In this context Geosciences can play a vital role to solve the real world problems of the earth. The skills of Geoscientists are applied throughout the world from site investigation, exploration and management of resources, constructions of engineering structures, waste management, urban development and geo-hazard mitigation. Geoscientists use knowledge of Earth's processes to protect lives, shelter, transportation and utility systems. System approach & issues need to be incorporated in the Geosciences curriculum & in practice to solve the real world problems of the earth. Sustainable development is now absolutely central to Geosciences discipline and we must organize ourselves accordingly to meet the new challenges of the 21st century. Geosciences can give sustainable solutions to these issues driven earth problems for the security of mankind in this planet. Therefore, recent advances in geosciences can help to establish a clean & green society for all.

Dr. Marika Tatishvili. Who is a Head of Weather forecasting, natural and technogenic disaster modeling division of the Institute of Hydrometeorology of Georgian Technical University. She is the member of Scientific and Editorial Board of Institute of Hydrometeorology and Institute of Geophysics. Also she is the Scientific Committee Member of the International Scientific Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2014, 15, 16, 17). Being an invited Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Marika Tatishvili is going to talk on ‘Developing weather forecasting modeling in Georgia.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Earth Observation System (EOS) program is designed to examine the role of Earth-Sun connection in wide-scale global processes in order to determine the function of the Earth as a single system. One of global climate change reason is caused due to emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because of these dramatic climate changes of the last 100 years many scientists believe that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have contributed to global warming. The real drivers of climate are the Sun’s insulation (light and heat), its magnetic flux, and the relative position and orientation of the Earth to the Sun.