Importance of Geosciences


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geosciences is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain who is faculty member of the Engineering Geology, Geotechnics & Geohazards Group., Dept. of Geological Sciences, and Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. His research interests include engineering geology, geotechnics and landslide and liquefaction hazards. Dr. Shakhawat was the Ex. Chairperson of the Department. He was also involved with the Geotechnical Engineering consultancy in “Fugro Geotechnics Ltd” and World Bank funded projects.  Dr. Hossain worked with Scientists and Engineers from United Kingdom, Japan, China, Russia, Germany and U.S.A.  Being an invited Plenary Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. A.T.M.Shakhawat Hossain is going to talk on ‘Current Issues Facing Our Planet, Problems and Solutions with Geosciences.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Planet problems are changing under the current change of climate and the world now faces challenges in Earth systems where earth problems meet societal & environmental issues. Sustainable Development is increasingly about managing complexity and is increasingly issues or process driven, not technique driven. In this context, we must organize ourselves to meet the new challenges of the earth. Quality of Life; modern comfortable living in the society, fulfilling the basic needs of the society, health; safety; transport; urban development, energy and water Issues, hazards, risks & disasters can be managed by using Geosciences,  which are current key issues & important for sustainable development. In this context Geosciences can play a vital role to solve the real world problems of the earth. The skills of Geoscientists are applied throughout the world from site investigation, exploration and management of resources, constructions of engineering structures, waste management, urban development and geo-hazard mitigation. Geoscientists use knowledge of Earth's processes to protect lives, shelter, transportation and utility systems. System approach & issues need to be incorporated in the Geosciences curriculum & in practice to solve the real world problems of the earth. Sustainable development is now absolutely central to Geosciences discipline and we must organize ourselves accordingly to meet the new challenges of the 21st century. Geosciences can give sustainable solutions to these issues driven earth problems for the security of mankind in this planet. Therefore, recent advances in geosciences can help to establish a clean & green society for all.

Dr. Marika Tatishvili. Who is a Head of Weather forecasting, natural and technogenic disaster modeling division of the Institute of Hydrometeorology of Georgian Technical University. She is the member of Scientific and Editorial Board of Institute of Hydrometeorology and Institute of Geophysics. Also she is the Scientific Committee Member of the International Scientific Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2014, 15, 16, 17). Being an invited Speaker at International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Conference held by Scientific Federation Dr. Marika Tatishvili is going to talk on ‘Developing weather forecasting modeling in Georgia.’ A brief summary is presented here.

Earth Observation System (EOS) program is designed to examine the role of Earth-Sun connection in wide-scale global processes in order to determine the function of the Earth as a single system. One of global climate change reason is caused due to emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because of these dramatic climate changes of the last 100 years many scientists believe that human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have contributed to global warming. The real drivers of climate are the Sun’s insulation (light and heat), its magnetic flux, and the relative position and orientation of the Earth to the Sun.


Emergence of Modern Geography


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Geography is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Geography is a field of social science, which concentrates on the phenomenon of the earth, the land, the temperature, the features, the inhabitants and so on. Simply, Geography aims to understand the nature of earth including human and natural things. It is one of the most important studies of all time as it helps bridge any barrier between the human and the physical science an interesting natural science clearly focuses on the studies of non living systems. Today, Geography has been named as “The world discipline” because of the fact that, it enables us to comprehend the methodical way of the earth and its components.

Many geographers today teach and research about concepts that are relevant to everyday life. This geographic knowledge enables us to understand the things we do on a daily or other episodic basis, and how everyday actions affect the world around us (e.g. auto pollution contributing to global warming). This emphasis puts everyday activities in a larger context - notably a spatial one - and by so doing aims to increase our awareness of our personal lives and activities and their sociology-spatial contexts at scales ranging from neighborhood to global.

The Importance of Geography has everything to do with your everyday life is seeks to understand the ways in which humans influence their environment and in turn explore the influence the environment has on humans. Surprising to many, its manifestation is seen in the following common every day instances: Global Positioning System (GPS), Maps, Google Earth, and Weather & Climate etc.

The Latest news of Geography is Life on the edge prepares plants for climate change. In the first study to predict whether different populations of the same plant species can adapt to climate change, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology find that central European ones die first. The researchers planted mustard cress seeds collected from over two hundred locations as diverse as North Africa, Spain, central Europe and northern Sweden. After they had germinated under optimal conditions, the plants were challenged with severe drought, and their ability to survive this stress was recorded. Using large-scale genome sequencing information, specific genetic variants could be linked to the plants' ability to survive longer. Combined with climate predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the teams were then able to generate maps showing the location of genetic variants key to the species' future survival.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.


Environmental impact of Economic Geology

Economic Geology

Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Economic Geology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Economic Geology is concerned with earth materials that can be used for economic and/or industrial purposes. These materials include precious and base metals, nonmetallic minerals, construction grade stone, petroleum minerals, coal and water. Economic geology is studied and practiced by geologists. Economic geology may be of interest to other professions such as engineers, environmental scientists, and conservationists because of the far reaching impact that attractive industries have on society, the economy, and the environment.

The concept of Economic Geology is a relatively new one, even though humans have been extracting metals and minerals of value from the ground since prehistoric times. For all their ability to appreciate the worth of such resources, however, premodern people possessed little in the way of scientific theories regarding either their formation or the means of extracting them.

A few decades ago most geologists were engaged in the exploration and development of mineral resources. However, economic geology and the application of geology to problems of the urban environment are slowly demanding the services of an increasing number of geologists. Today a sufficient number of economic geologists are interested in environmental problems. They subscribe to the thought that “mineral resources will always be needed”, but “environmental issues are a major factor in mining feasibility”. There is now a greater interest in the environment than ever before and we face concerns about the environmental impacts of almost every aspect of our daily lives. Water, soil, air and the biological environment can all be changed dramatically by the activities of industrial societies like our own, not least through mechanisms which are controlled by essentially geological processes.

The latest news of Economic Geology is North Texas earthquakes occurring on 'dead' faults, seismology research shows. Recent earthquakes in Texas' Fort Worth Basin - in the community of Venus and the Dallas suburb of Irving - occurred on faults not active for at least 300 million years, according to research. The research supports the assertion that recent North Texas earthquakes were induced, rather than natural. The conclusion is entirely independent of previous analyses correlating seismic to the timing of wastewater injection practices, but corroborates those earlier findings.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.

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Developments in Meteorology


Scientific Federation is going to conduct a conference on Earth Science & Geo Science at Amsterdam, Netherlands on August 13-14, 2018. Meteorology is one of session where presentations can be done at Summit.

Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, and atmospheric effects on our weather. The atmosphere is the gaseous layer of the physical environment that surrounds a planet. Earth’s atmosphere is roughly 100 to 125 kilometers (65-75 miles) thick. Gravity keeps the atmosphere from expanding much farther. Meteorology focuses on the lower parts of the atmosphere, primarily the troposphere, where most weather takes place.

Meteorologists use scientific principles to observe, explain, and forecast our weather. They often focus on atmospheric research or operational weather forecasting. Research meteorologists cover several sub disciplines of meteorology to include: climate modeling, remote sensing, air quality, atmospheric physics, and climate change. They also research the relationship between the atmosphere and Earth’s climates, oceans, and biological life.

The development of meteorology is deeply connected to developments in science, math, and technology. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote the first major study of the atmosphere around 340 BCE. Many of Aristotle’s ideas were incorrect, however, because he did not believe it was necessary to make scientific observations. The latest news of Meteorology is fighting plant disease at warm temperatures keeps food on the table. An issue of global concern is the anticipated shortage of agricultural output to meet the steady rise in human population. Michigan State University scientists understand that overcoming crop loss due to disease and adverse weather will be key in achieving this goal.

Dr. Jieying HE, Dr. Bouya DIOP, and Mr. Ulric Lyons are presenting oral presentation on Meteorology.

The impact of internal changes in meteorology on the local and global growth rates of atmospheric methane is assessed in a nineteen year simulation using a tropospheric chemical transport model forced by ECMWF meteorological analyses from 1980 to 1998. A very simple CH4 chemistry scheme has been implemented, using prescribed OH fields. There are no internal variations in modeled methane emissions or in the OH fields, so any changes in the modeled growth rate arise from changes in meteorology. The methane simulation shows significant internal variability at both local and global scales. The local scale variability is comparable in magnitude to the internal variability found in surface observations and shows some clear correlation with observed changes in growth rates. This suggests that, even over internal timescales, meteorology could be important in driving the internal fluctuations of atmospheric methane at the surface.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science”. Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate, the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.


Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

 Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing is the process of detecting and monitoring the physical characteristics of an area by measuring its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance from the targeted area. Special cameras collect remotely sensed images of the Earth, which help researchers "sense" things about the Earth. Some examples are Cameras on satellites and airplanes take images of large areas on the Earth's surface, allowing us to see much more than we can stand on the ground. Sonar systems on ships can be used to create images of the ocean floor without needing to travel to the bottom of the ocean. Cameras on satellites can be used to make images of temperature changes in the oceans.

Remote sensors collect data by detecting the energy that is reflected from Earth. These sensors can be on satellites or mounted on aircraft. Remote sensors can be either passive or active. Passive sensors respond to external stimuli. They record natural energy that is reflected or emitted from the Earth's surface. The most common source of radiation detected by passive sensors is reflected sunlight. In contrast, active sensors use internal stimuli to collect data about Earth. For example, a laser-beam remote sensing system projects a laser onto the surface of Earth and measures the time that it takes for the laser to reflect back to its sensor.

Dr. Md. Altaf Hossain is is presenting oral Presentation on Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Earth Sciences.
Mrs. Yelena Gambarova is presenting Poster Presentation on Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Earth Sciences.

Remote Sensing applications perform many features including: Change Detection is determining the changes from images taken at different times of the same area. Orthorectification is Warp an image to its location on the earth. Spectral Analysis is For example, using non-visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to determine if a forest is healthy. Image Classification is Categorization of pixels based on reflectance into different land cover classes (e.g. supervised classification, unsupervised classification and Object Oriented Classification)

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Congress & Expo on Earth Science & Geo Science Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science, one step further.