Scifed Congress on Earth Science & Geo Science

               International Congress on Earth Science & Geo Science


On behalf of Scientific Federation we are delighted to welcome you all to the International Summit on Earth Science & Geo Science which is to be held during August 13-14, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Through our theme 'Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate'. The conference is one of our yearly activities which have a goal of providing a setting for professionals in the respective field and our clients to learn about latest issues about Earth. The conference will have important Earth and Geo experts around the world who will share the knowledge to the participants.

Geochemistry is a chemistry of the earth, is important because it defines bio-diversity and the well-being of organisms, including humans. It’s all about the understanding the distribution of chemical compounds in the earth and their changing concentrations as a consequence of their fate in the geochemical cycles. Magma rises to the surface and solidifies into minerals. Minerals weather and chemical compounds enter in the biosphere. The concentrations of chemical compounds define which life forms can thrive. Not enough or too much of some compounds in the bio-available phase decreases bio-diversity. For instance, if man has not enough of commodities like oil or ore, he uses geochemistry to localize them in order to prevent a decrease of his well-being. Should he however produce too much waste like carbon dioxide or toxic heavy metals, he needs to use Geochemistry to understand how to get them out of the bio-available phase and into minerals again. Only with geochemical technology, following the earth chemical processes while using minerals, one can manage the environment on the larger scale and longer term. Geochemical analysis is the process through which scientists discover and unravel the chemical compounds that make up the earth, its atmosphere, and its seas.

The realm of geochemistry extends beyond the Earth, encompassing the entire Solar System, and has made important contributions to the understanding of a number of processes including mantle convection, the formation of planets and the origins of granite and basalt. Geochemists study the composition, structure, processes, and other physical aspects of the Earth. They examine the distribution of chemical elements in rocks and minerals, as well as the movement of these elements into soil and water systems. There is a wealth of information buried in the liquids, gases, and mineral deposits of rock. The geochemist’s job is to understand this information and make informed decisions on a range of industrial and scientific research applications. Understanding the chemical composition of rocks tells oil companies where to drill for oil; enables scientists to put together broad-based theories about the way the Earth is changing helps environmental management companies decide how to dispose of a toxic or hazardous substance and  steers mining companies toward use of natural resources with a minimum environmental impact.

The greatest benefit of attending our conference is to build your network and increase your awareness of new trends happening in the area of Earth & Geo Sciences. This is the way to be invited to join collective research work by Earth Scientists.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate which covers a wide range of critically important sessions. 

▪ Geology                                                     ▪ Meteorology                                                   
▪ Geochemistry                                            ▪ Oceanography                                                   
▪ Mineralogy                                                ▪ Astronomy                                                   
▪ Climate Change                                        ▪ Economic Geology                                                   
▪ Global Warming                                       ▪ Environmental Geology

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