Scifed Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science

          International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science

 Earth Science & Geo Science

Scientific Federation is pleased to announce our worthwhile conference on Earth Science and Geo Science on August 13-14, 2018 at Amsterdam, Netherlands. Through our theme 'Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate' the conference will analyze the recent advancements and new modes that can be enforced to the research to take Earth Science & Geo Science. The conference is one of our yearly activities which have a goal of providing a setting for professionals in the respective field and our clients to learn about latest issues about Earth. The conference will have important Earth and Geo experts around the world who will share the knowledge to the participants.

Earth Science and Geo Science explores the interconnections between the land, ocean, atmosphere, and life of our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that continuously shape, influence, and sustain Earth and its inhabitants. The four major branches of Earth science are Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy. Geology is the primary Earth science and deals with the composition of Earth materials, Earth structures, and Earth processes. Meteorology is the how climate changes over time in response to the actions of people is a topic of urgent worldwide concern. Oceanography is Earth's oceans their composition, movement, organisms and processes. The oceans also have a major influence on the weather, and changes in the oceans can drive or moderate climate change. Astronomy is the study of the universe. Astronomers can also use knowledge of Earth materials, processes and history to understand other planets even those outside of our own solar system. The Importance of Earth Science & Geo Science is today we live in a time when the Earth and its inhabitants face many challenges. Our climate is changing, and that change is being caused by human activity. Earth scientists recognized this problem and will play a key role in efforts to resolve it. We are also challenged to: develop new sources of energy that will have minimal impact on climate; locate new sources of metals and other mineral resources as known sources are depleted; and, determine how Earth's increasing population can live and avoid serious threats such as volcanic activity, earthquakes, landslides, floods and more. These are just a few of the problems where solutions depend upon a deep understanding of Earth science.

The greatest benefit of attending our conference is to build your network and increase your awareness of new trends happening in the area of Earth & Geo Sciences. This is the way to be invited to join collective research work by Earth Scientists.

We would like to formally invite you to be a participant in the upcoming “International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science Theme of the conference is focused on Stimulating and Analyzing the Changes of Earth & Climate which covers a wide range of critically important sessions. 

▪ Geology                                                    ▪ Meteorology                                                   
▪ Geochemistry                                           ▪ Oceanography                                                   
▪ Mineralogy                                               ▪ Astronomy                                                   
▪ Climate Change                                        ▪ Economic Geology                                                   
▪ Global Warming                                       ▪ Environmental Geology